Tag: year 4

Immersion Recount Draft

on monday was the first day back to school and we had an immersion assembly. First mrs nua ,mr burt,mr wiseman and mr somervole played a song called lean on me it was a very cool song. Then each team had to do an item and first was team one. Mrs Hockly read her script and the other teacher described it by doing it . Now it was team two they did emotions and they were doing different emotions and people had to guess what emotions they did. Now  it was time for team three mrs moala read a book called in my heart it was emotions similar to team two but while mrs moala was saying the different emotions the other teachers did the emotions and when miss scannlen did the angry mad emotion confetti came out and everybody screamed . Now it is time for team four team 4 made a little movie to watch  about being kind and there were fairys to help the people and to include people if they were sad. Then it was team 5. For team 5’s movie it was also about being kind but not a movie they did was a thing where people were bullying Mr marran for his hairy legs but his friend could not stand watching him get bullied anymore so his friend told them to stop bullying them. Now it was time for team six, team six did the avengers


Being brave

Being brave

On Monday morning it was time for someone to start the day by sharing the mihi. When  my teacher asked who would like to share their mihi, I nervously looked down at the floor. I started to feel butterflies in my tummy because I was worried that she would choose me. Then I remembered that I wanted to become more brave this year so I quickly put up my hand. As I walked down to the front I could feel my legs shaking but I knew I could do it after I said my mihi. The teacher said that I was brave and that I was very good. I was so proud of myself.

Immersion Assembly

Task Description: today and yesterday i have been writing a recount about Immersion assembly. we have watched movies from team 1 to team 5.

Immersion Assembly

Start writing here:Today for the first day of term 3 we had assembly. We watched some movies but before all the movies Mr Sumavale showed us his drone. It was so cool he even casted it on the tv. when we got there. Team one’s movie was all about painting because this term is going to be all about painting and art works and ms hockly was not here so mr jacobson was played as ms hockly. Team 2 they were painting themselves and in fornt they had a mirror to see themselves ms daivas and ms villie and ms telleso was there to paint. Team 3 it was a movie they were singing and art pictures behind them it was so cool and team 4 they were showing different kinds artworks it was cool and team 5 they was playing a movie mr wiseman was princess bell and mr marran was a bunny i think and dancing together it was funny and that was all the movies was good that was there i think i liked all of them it was all so good.