Essay Writers Checklist Feedback

Task description: today I finished my feed on someones writing. For this task I had to get into groups of 2 but my groups was a group of 3 and I had Shwe Shwe and Myu San, I was giving feedback to myu san and shwe shwe gave feedback to me and myu san gave feed back to shwe shwe, we were giving feedback on our essays so I hope you like it remember to leave a positive comment on my blog bye byeeeee

Essay Writer’s Checklist
Find a partner to share your writing with.
Make a copy of this checklist, and share it with your partner.
Read through their writing, carefully.
Check boxes they have done successfully. Yes if they’ve done it well; No if they haven’t; Some if they’re on the right track, but need improvement.
Give them a small piece of feedback that could help them improve their writing further.
Share it back with your partner so they can make changes and improvements to their writing.

Have they…

Give them a helpful way to improve this
Opened their introduction with a clear statement/opinion
He needs to improve on his statements and one of his introductions doesn’t make sense. It says it makes a good injury? ,And his introductions aren’t the same topic from his paragraphs .
Have outlined 3 reasons why their statement is true
He has written 2 paragraphs but they don’t make much sense so he needs to work on that and he forgot to write his last one is what he news to work on
Each reason is clear, and different from each other.
He has written different statements on topics but they aren’t the same topics from his introductions so he needs to improve by using what he wrote in the introduction .
Organised their ideas into clear paragraphs
He hasn’t used the same topic on the introductions so he has to improve on that by using the same topic on the introductions and the introductions topic don’t make much sense.
Used PEEL Paragraph Structure
He hasn’t used peel paragraphs he has only used examples and points but he needs to improve on writing with more detail .
Used different sentence styles
He uses different fonts but they’re dark and I don’t understand so he has to change that so I can understand .
Have they summarised their opinion in their conclusion

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